15 Things You Must Know About MRC

“Either I will come back after hoisting the Tricolor, or I will come back wrapped in it”. 

This is the mindset of all the soldiers in Indian Army. Every Indian should feel proud about our Army. They are the “Real Heroes” who always protect us from the hostile neighboring countries and also serve our people during natural calamities. We owe a debt of gratitude to them for making our lives peaceful. 

Indian Army has a total of 32 infantry regiments spread all over our country. Madras Regiment is one among them.

1. The Madras Regiment is an infantry regiment of our Indian Army. It is one of the oldest regiment which was formed in 17th century. It is located in Wellington, Ooty.

2. It was initially formed as the Madras European Regiment in 1660s.  It emerged as a battalion under the command of Major Stringer Lawrence. The battalion was involved in all the battles against the French forces in India.

3. The oldest Battalion in the Madras Regiment (and the Indian Army) was the 9th Battalion, formerly known as the "Nair Pattalam". These militias were formed during the year 1704 at Padmanabhapuram as body guards for the Maharajah of Travancore and were active during the Battle of Colachel in defeating the Dutch forces. 

4. After independence, the infantry battalions of the Travancore-"Nair Pattalam", Cochin and Mysore State forces were amalgamated into the Madras Regiment. This regiment fought fierce battles during the 1947–48 Jammu & Kashmir Operations, the 1962 Sino-Indian Conflict and the Indo-Pak Wars of 1965 and 1971.   

5. Seven battalions from MRC were deployed in Sri Lanka for “Operation Pawan” during 1987–89.  Their service during this operation showcased their loyalty, dedication and valor.

6. Two battalions of the MRC have been awarded unit citations by the COAS (Chief of the Army Staff), in recognition of their splendid service for combating insurgency in Jammu & Kashmir and Punjab.

7. Two battalions served the nation in the world's highest battlefield - Siachen Glacier in extreme weather conditions.

8. They have a noble motto-Swadharme Nidhanam Shreyaha (It is a glory to die doing one’s duty)

9. Government of India released Postal stamps of madras regiment in order to honor the soldiers.

10. Their Republic Day parade is definitely a treat to our eyes.

11. K.T. Irfan, a soldier trained in MRC, acquired 10th position in the men's 20km walk at the London Olympics.

12. The Madras Regiment has taken part in various humanitarian operations in India. It has also taken part in various UN Peacekeeping missions

13. War cry: “Veera Madrassi, Adi Kollu, Adi Kollu” (Brave Madrassi, Hit and Kill, Hit and Kill!). This war cry will definitely create tremors in the heart of the enemies.

14. In 2009, actor Mohanlal became the first and the only actor to be given the honorary rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the Territorial Army of India and was inducted into Madras Regiment.

15. Our soldiers are also proficient in Ancient Indian Martial Art - "Kalaripayattu" 

Let us salute the "Braveness" & "Patriotism" of our Indian Army. Jai Hind !!


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