Home Remedies for Common Health Problems Affecting People of Ooty

(As Recommended By Doctor)

Dry Skin:

  • Apply olive oil over dry areas of your skin half an hour before taking bath. Use a regular moisturizer after bath.
  • Applying honey over dry areas of your skin for 5 to 10 minutes daily before bath can cure dryness.
  • Apply coconut oil all over your body before going to sleep. Wash it off in the morning by taking hot water bath.


  • Cut one inch of ginger into small pieces and add it to a pot of boiling water. Let it steep for 5 minutes. Allow it to cool down and then drink it.
  • Add 2 to 3 drops of eucalyptus oil in a pot of boiling water and breathe in the steam. Take deep breaths for faster results.

Allergic Rhinitis/Runny Nose:

  • Take 3 spoons of honey everyday on empty stomach.
  • Consume citric fruits such as orange & lemon regularly. Grapefruits, papaya, strawberries and pineapple can also cure this disease.
  • Include various flavonoids such as apple, pear, strawberry, cabbage, onion, tomato in your daily diet.
  • Spices such as turmeric (about 500mg), cinnamon also eases breathing.
  • Breathe in hot water steam with few drops of eucalyptus oil.

The following food items should be avoided:

Dairy products, egg, sugar, potato, deep fried foods and processed food.

Motion Sickness:


This condition occurs to most of the people while traveling uphill or downhill.
  • Avoid heavy, spicy and fat rich food before traveling.
  • Try to choose a comfortable seat like seats in the middle of the bus.
  • Do not sit facing backwards from your direction of travel.
  • Do not read while traveling.
  • Let the fresh air circulate inside the vehicle always.
  • Stay away from people who have motion sickness like you.
  • Take ginger tea with you while traveling. Having a sip or two at regular intervals can avoid this sickness.
  • Having apple juice with a light meal before travel helps a lot.


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